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Demolition of Houses In Lagos Nigeria And How To Safeguard Your Property

Demolition of houses in Lagos was all over the news in 2023.

You probably heard of the building demolitions in Ikota, Lekki and other parts of Lagos Nigeria.

The sad part is: this is not the first time the Lagos state government is demolishing illegal structures in Lagos. And this will not be the last.

The truth is:

Owning a home is a significant achievement.

Unfortunately, the joy, excitement and sense of accomplishment that comes with owning a home in Lagos will be short-lived if your home is classified as "illegal structure" and then demolished by the Lagos state government.

May that never happen to you!

Illegal Structures And House Demolitions In Lagos

What is classified by the Lagos state government as an illegal structure?

An illegal structure is:

1. A building that violates the Lagos state building code and...

2. A building that was constructed without obtaining appropriate building approvals from the relevant Lagos state government agencies responsible for regulation the different aspects of building construction in Lagos 

demolition of houses in lagos - ikota lekki

For example, some of the houses that were demolished in Ikota Lekki Lagos were allegedly built on drainage channels. And all houses built on drainage channels, which eventually lead to flooding in Lagos state, will eventually be demolished.

Bottom line.

If you want to build a house in Lagos and enjoy your house in peace... and even gift it to the next generation...

...follow the building construction laws of Lagos state.

6 Ways To Escape Demolition of Houses In Lagos And Safeguard Your Property

Implement the 6 steps below to protect your Lagos property investment.

STEP #1: Do Not Build on Drainage Channels

The water channels in Lagos are vital for preventing flooding because they channel rain water into the Lagoon.

That is why the laws of Lagos state Nigeria specify the minimum distance the nearest house should be to drainage channels.

So, building your house on (or too close to) these drainage channels will eventually lead to government demolition.

Want to safteguard your Lagos property investment?

Respect the drainage infrastructure of Lagos state.

Follow the law.

demolition of houses in lagos - how to protect your property

STEP #2: Maintain Legal Distance from Power Lines

Constructing a building in close proximity to power lines may expose occupants to health risks and can result in safety hazards.

High-voltage power lines generate electromagnetic fields that, when too close, may have adverse health effects.

That is why the laws of Lagos state mandate specific distances between structures and power lines for safety reasons and to prevent accidents.

Therefore, do not build your house too close to a power line. If you do, that house will eventually be demolished by the Lagos state government. 

STEP #3: Do Not Build Near Petroleum Pipelines

Building too close to petroleum pipelines is not only a legal violation but also a severe safety concern.

The reason is obvious:

These pipelines carry flammable materials.

Consequently, any construction near them poses a significant risk of fire and explosions.

The government is stringent about maintaining safety around such infrastructure.

In fact, the laws of Lagos state prohibits building too close to petroleum pipelines.

So, if you build your house too close to a petroleum pipeline, that house will eventually be demolished by the Lagos state government.

STEP #4: Stay Away from Committed Land

Committed land are areas earmarked for specific government projects or public use.

Guess what.

The communities that will benefit from that government project have, more often than not, been promised that project.

Therefore, they are are eagerly waiting for the government to deliver as promised.

Bottom line.

If you knowingly or unknowingly build your house on committed land, the demolition of houses by the Lagos state government will eventually get to your house.

Want to safeguard or protect your Lagos property investment?

Make sure you verify the status of any land you want to buy in Lagos Nigeria (or anywhere else in Nigeria).

If you fail to do that, you risk losing your Lagos property investment.

STEP #5: Adhere to Lagos State Planning and Building Regulations

Lagos State has specific planning and building regulations that are designed to create a safe and organized urban environment.

Violating these regulations not only jeopardizes the structural integrity of your property but also makes it susceptible to government demolition exercise.

It's pretty simple:

Follow the law of Lagos state if you do not want to be hit with demolition notice.

STEP #6: Obtain Relevant Government Building Approvals

Make sure you get the necessary building approvals from all the relevant government agencies before you start building your house.

This will save you a whole lot of trouble, which may include "STOP WORK" notices by the relevant government agencies or sealing of your building construction site until you comply with government regulations.

Why put yourself through all that stress when you can just do the right thing before you start building your house?


Building a house is a huge investment.

Second, building a house is a great way to save huge sums of money, beat inflation and grow your net worth.

However, all that investment will be reduced to zero if your house is affected by the demolish of houses in Lagos.

Bottom line.

Do the right thing.

Follow the laws of Lagos state.

Obtain all the required building approvals before you start building your house.

About The Author

Samson Itoje is a Lagos realtor who is passionate about helping people build massive wealth for themselves through investing in problem-free properties in Lagos.

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